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TIME: A meditation

Writer's picture: The Lannang ArchivesThe Lannang Archives

by: Emily Bilman

Like water-swathes, Time, I thought,

Contains hours that differ within the day.

When the halcyon breeze eases my breath

Time, like iodine, seems organic.

The day becomes a tabula rasa, a mirror

On which we project ourselves.

Like a room filled with familiar objects

The day’s events fill our minds

But sleep and dream clean the day

And each day seems brand new.

Like the envelope of our life-span

Containing the fragments of our past

That we remember and often forget,

Would Time, in its indivisible integrity,

Be itself a dream that remains entire

Despite its inchoate fragments?

Dreams, like Time, the recollected

And even the forgotten ones, clear

The city’s remainders from its rubble,

Within its tattered slums, spread eerily

Into suburbs like mushrooms, and

The mind becomes like a slate-shaft.

An egg holding the yolk and albumen

Of poems, Time, remains whole

In an ever-expanding present,

Tangible like the land yielding fruit

A present we do not wish to curtail

Nor stain with the wrong ingredients.

A river flows into our ever transient

Life-sea. The land yields barley and corn.

The mind, in sustenance, integrates

Disparate dream-images. Like ocean currents,

The present is the flow of self into

The self that recognizes the other.

The present is Time regenerate.


About the author

Emily Bilman is London’s Poetry Society Stanza representative in Geneva.

Her theses, The Psychodynamics of Poetry: Poetic Virtuality and Oedipal

Sublimation in the Poetry of T.S. Eliot and Paul Valéry, was published by

Lambert Academic in 2010 and Modern Ekphrasis in 2013 by Peter Lang. Her

poetry books, A Woman By A Well (2015), Resilience (2015), The Threshold

of Broken Waters (2018), and Apperception (2020) were published by

Matador, UK. Poems were published in The London Magazine, Poetry

Salzburg, Offshoots, San Antonio Review, Expanded Field, Poetics Research,

The Blue Nib, Poetica Review, Tipton Poetry Journal, Ex Tempore, North of

Oxford Journal, Otherwise Engaged Magazine, Wild Court, The High Window.

She blogs on


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